The Marvel Cinematic Universe has gone through many, many changes since it was launched in 2008 with Marvel Studios’ first independently-produced project: Iron Man. Once upon a time, the existence of a Shared Cinematic Universe comprised of Marvel characters was a wish or a dream, but when Samuel L. Jackson showed up as Nick Fury…Read more
Marvel Animated Multiverse
I Am Groot Season 1 (2022) Show Review
Marvel Studios / The Walt Disney Company I AM GROOT: SEASON ONE Starring Vin Diesel (the Voice of Groot) and Bradley Cooper (the Voice of Rocket) with James Gunn (wristwatch voice), and Trevor Devall (the Voice of Iwua), and additional voice work from Fred Tatasciore, Terri Douglas, Kaitlyn Robrock, Bob Bergen, Scott Menville, Kari Wahlgren,…Read more