
Marvel Animation: Not a Fan …

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has gone through many, many changes since it was launched in 2008 with Marvel Studios’ first independently-produced project: Iron Man. Once upon a time, the existence of a Shared Cinematic Universe comprised of Marvel characters was a wish or a dream, but when Samuel L. Jackson showed up as Nick Fury…Read more

Across the Spider-Verse (2023) Film Review

Sony Pictures ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE The following Review contains SPOILERS for pretty much all things Spider-Man Starring Shameik Moore (Miles Morales / Spider-Man), Hailee Steinfeld (Gwen Stacy / Spider-Woman), Brian Tyree Henry / Officer Jefferson Morales, Luna Lauren Velez (Rio Morales), Jason Schwartzman (Johnathon Ohnn / The Spot), Issa Rae (Jess Drew / Spider-Woman), Karan…Read more

Into the Spider-Verse (2018) Film Review

Sony Pictures INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE The following Review contains SPOILERS for pretty much all things Spider-Man Starring Shameik Moore (Miles Morales / Spider-Man), Jake Johnson (Peter B. Parker / Spider-Man), Hailee Steinfeld (Gwen Stacy / Ghost Spider / Spider-Gwen), Mahershala Ali (Aaron Davis / The Prowler), Brian Tyree Henry / Officer Jefferson Davis, Luna Lauren Velez…Read more

Hot Toys Spider-Man (Iron Spider) Review

Spider-Man was my 14th MCU Hot Toys figure and I absolutely adore this figure! This is piece-for-piece one of Hot Toys’ finest releases and I love everything about it! I was a big fan of the Civil War comic book story in the Marvel Comics and one of my favorite parts of that story was…Read more